Industrial IoT

Do you have the in-house experience to deliver IoT performance and meet the unique challenges of industrial-grade device development? From thermally resilient hardware components to specialized software for coping with industrial operating conditions, we have what your industrial IoT project needs. Slash your development costs and time with robust and high-performance hardware, broad codebases, and more.

How can we help?

Custom cyber-physical system deployment solutions

Developing an effective cyber-physical system (CPS) requires the know-how to merge state-of-the-art IoT technology with advanced sensors, edge computing, cloud platforms, and AI-driven analytics to enable real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and autonomous operations. We provide both the hardware and the IIoT development experience that will help you integrate devices using protocols like MQTT and leverage cloud services like AWS. Build solutions capable of real-time analytics, self-healing network procedures, and smart resource management. Continuous uptime through intelligent resource management and predictive analytics. Finally, build all of this and more with integrated hardware and software security features for the complete package.

IIoT synchronization and automation methods

Your IIoT or cyber-physical system project will require precise synchronization across different types of devices, where seamless device communication is critical for cloud-based applications. IIoT devices commonly use MQTT’s publish-subscribe broker architecture for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, but MQTT’s one-way time transfer introduces synchronization errors. Traditional methods like SNTP, while effective with two-way delay mechanisms, degrade under poor network conditions. We can help you address these issues with custom hybrid scalable synchronization methods for IoT devices based on IEEE 1588 and custom-developed MQTT-based time synchronization protocols.

Custom interference mitigation techniques

Industrial environments have many potential wireless connectivity interference sources, including the numerous client devices themselves. To effectively manage medium access and improve system robustness, custom network communication protocols are necessary. While 802.11ax utilizes OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) to allocate Radio Resource Units (RUs) for both uplink and downlink traffic based on the flow of data, it still faces limitations. We can help you address these challenges by implementing our proprietary hybrid multi-poll protocol solution, which combines the advantages of OFDMA and polling-based protocols like HCCA to mitigate self-interference and improve performance. This protocol uses EDCA ((Enhanced Distributed Channel Access) rules under low traffic conditions and SIFS bursting to optimize medium usage.

In more complex scenarios, this protocol can be further enhanced with custom channel allocation and frequency shifting techniques in real-time. These methods can dynamically adjust the available spectrum to reduce interference and further improve network efficiency and robustness.

High-speed facility connectivity

Facility security and other specific applications can generate large data flows that require high-speed connectivity to process. 8devices hardware and firmware can help build high-speed (10+ Gbps) PTP/PTMP wireless connectivity for fixed locations like industrial facilities. Combine directional beamforming antennas with the unprecedented bandwidth capacity of mmWave, and optimized feature-packed FirmUx firmware to develop high-speed performance connectivity for industrial users.

Cloud integration

Using FirmUx to add valuable supporting features like cloud connectivity will improve your project’s chance for success on the market. We can help your business integrate cloud functionality, which will streamline maintenance and oversight functions to process automation and optimization. Use our FirmUx framework to develop a complete suite of hardware and software solutions with cloud support.

Product highlights

Use cases

We can build connectivity solutions for unmanned systems across a wide range of use cases
Temperature-resilient SoMs with long-range connectivity and multiple interface options are perfect for demanding outdoor device control and monitoring in any weather.
Build customizable connectivity options with the industrial temperature resilience and specialized transmission capabilities needed to form wireless networks above and below the surface.
Low-cost wireless facility connectivity, reliable remote monitoring and control for mission-critical equipment, interference avoidance in congested areas, and device automation are just a few high-value manufacturing solutions we can help develop.
Deliver highly reliable and capable remote monitoring that can handle adverse conditions or be launched and managed by remote maintenance teams.
Build long-range and persistent connectivity for remote and static assets to ensure constant monitoring and control across a broad logistics network

Custom Solutions

Take advantage of our extensive R&D experience by working with our hardware and software engineers to develop the exact solution you need. From custom modules and components to specialized firmware or cutting-edge software features – anything is possible.

Production facility

8devices can fulfill and scale production runs for any design our engineers have created for you.

How can we improve your project?

Let’s discuss how we can build the best possible communication solution for your project.
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